Water recovery the focus of $5.7 million recycled water pipeline extension

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

A 14 kilometre pipeline extension at Marion is expected to deliver at least 143 megalitres (ML) of non-potable water to local parks and reserves, reducing the reliance on irrigated River Murray water.

The pipeline extension will reach Flinders University, the Women’s Memorial Playing Fields and the Seacliff area, including reserves in the City of Holdfast Bay.

The $5.67 million project is jointly funded by the Australian Government, through a $2.703 million Off-Farm Efficiency Program project, and the City of Marion.

The project was announced by Minister Tanya Plibersek last year and has now progressed to the construction phase.

Projects funded under the Off-farm Efficiency Program aim to provide long-term benefits to irrigators by improving infrastructure efficiency.

Projects also benefit communities by increasing water security and creating jobs, with savings contributing to the 450 GL of additional environmental water under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

The state-led South Australia Marion Water Efficiency Project will substitute River Murray water used for open space irrigation in metropolitan Adelaide with treated stormwater from an existing scheme at Oaklands Park.

The project will enable Marion Water to process at least 143 ML of recycled stormwater on average every year generating the same amount of water recovery towards the final 450 GL of environmental water recovery required under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.


Attributable to Federal Minister for Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek MP:

“We live on the driest inhabited continent on earth. It’s so important that we conserve, recycle and reuse our precious water resources. Projects like the Marion Water Efficiency Project are key to making sure that we get value from every drop of water.

“Water recovered from this project will also count towards the Murray-Darling Basin Plan target of an additional 450GL of environmental water. This water was a crucial part of South Australia originally signing up to the Plan.

“The Marion project will provide an example for how water saved in metropolitan Adelaide can contribute towards Basin Plan water recovery arrangements.”

Attributable to Federal Member for Boothby, Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP:

“The Australian Government is committed to delivering the Murray–Darling Basin Plan in full.

“We’re delivering on this commitment and restoring the balance in the basin by returning water to the environment through innovative water recycling and efficiency infrastructure. The Marion project is an example of this.

“In addition to contributing towards the Basin Plan targets, the Marion project also provides local benefits to our community by providing a sustainable, secure recycled water source for parks and greenspaces.”

Attributable to Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, Susan Close:

“It is great to see this innovative efficiency measures project progressing to the construction phase.

“The project demonstrates what can be done in urban areas to reduce reliance on the Murray-Darling Basin and contribute to delivery of the 450 GL and improved environmental outcomes.

“In addition to reducing reliance on the River Murray, the project will provide a climate independent water supply to green urban areas, maintain recreational areas and reduce urban heat island effects.

“South Australia continues to look at innovative ways to recover the 450 GL. I encourage all Basin states to consider every opportunity available to recover the 450 GL and deliver improved outcomes for communities, industries and the environment.”

Attributable to City of Marion Mayor, Kris Hanna

“This is big. We are making a major investment, with the help of a Federal Government grant, so southern Adelaide’s water needs can come from rainwater, not precious drinking water from the mains.”