Major work on Majors Road Interchange as concept design finalised

Thursday, 07 March 2024

Major works are starting on the Southern Expressway and Majors Road Interchange project in Adelaide’s south, following refinements to the concept design in response to community feedback and additional technical analysis.

Additions to the design include the widening of Majors Road from the Southern Expressway to Lonsdale Highway/Ocean Boulevard to provide two lanes of traffic in both directions.

This section of road will also have power lines moved underground to provide further opportunities for increased landscaping and tree planting along Majors Road.

The design refinements mean the on/off ramps will be shortened by approximately 100 metres, further minimising impact on land and vegetation.

The design now includes tree planting for the shared use path along Majors Road, to achieve 50 per cent shade coverage when grown, and a realignment of the Patrick Jonker Veloway to the east of the new on/off ramps under Majors Road for improved sightlines.

The updated design has further reduced the already very minor impact on the Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta, and continues to have no impact on Glenthorne Farm or O’Halloran Hill Recreation Park.

The $120 million project is jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments, with each contributing $60 million.

Majors Road is an important arterial road, providing a key connection between Lonsdale Road and Main South Road for 13,200 vehicles per day.

The project will include new on/off-ramps for the Southern Expressway, which itself carries approximately 74,000 vehicles per day between Darlington and the Reynella Interchange.

Commuters in the southern suburbs will have greater access to the Southern Expressway and the upgrade will also improve access to Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta, Riding for the Disabled, Sam Willoughby International BMX Facility and Southern Soccer Facility from the Southern Expressway.

Short-term closures of Majors Road will be needed to safely complete the work.

The Southern Expressway will have localised speed restrictions in place while these important works are undertaken.

Final project completion is expected at the end of 2025.

Click here(external site) for new images and animation of the design changes.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“This is a significant investment by the Australian Government to provide crucial access to the Southern Expressway for commuters in southern Adelaide and improve safety, reduce travel times and support jobs and the local economy.

“Traffic flow across Adelaide’s south will be greatly enhanced due to the Southern Expressway and Majors Road Interchange, which the Australian Government is proud to be jointly funding in partnership with the South Australian Government.”


Attributable to South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas:

“SA is building – and we are proud to be honouring yet another election commitment, delivering this important infrastructure to benefit South Australians in Adelaide’s southern suburbs.

“Majors Road is an integral part of our road network in Adelaide’s south and we’re happy to see works begin on an upgrade that will improve the experience for everyone using the road.

“Projects like the Majors Road Interchange help the smooth and safe running of our road network, and we thank motorists and locals for their patience while we complete these works.”

Attributable to SA Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tom Koutsantonis:

“Local MP David Speirs used to say that an on/off-ramp for the Southern Expressway at Majors Road was his “number one priority(external site)” – before doing a U-turn and criticising Labor for getting on with delivering it.

“Significantly, however, we are achieving this project with absolutely minimal impact on Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta – and none on Glenthorne Farm.

“In fact, the Friends of Glenthorne have been vocal supporters of our approach – which includes establishing a new nursery and garden area located in the Riding for the Disabled Association’s Majors Road premises.

“The integration of shared use paths and improvements to the Patrick Jonker Veloway will enhance the area for cyclists and pedestrians.

“The integration of tree planting as part of the new design provides important shade coverage – a significant priority for Adelaide infrastructure.”

Attributable to Federal Member for Kingston Amanda Rishworth:

“I’m pleased to see joint funding between the Australian and South Australian governments providing improved and increased connections and travel flow at the new Majors Road Interchange.

“Residents and motorists in Adelaide’s south will greatly benefit for years to come from this vital project.”

Attributable to Federal Member for Boothby Louise Miller-Frost:

“I’m excited to see the progress on this interchange.

“Giving southern commuters direct access to the southern expressway will take commuter traffic off Brighton Road, meaning a shorter, safer trip for everyone.”

Attributable to State Member for Davenport Erin Thompson:

”My community has been calling for this project for years – it’s exciting to see major works commence.

“It’s particularly gratifying that this project is providing additional benefits and exposure for organisations such as Riding for the Disabled Association and the Friends of Glenthorne – whose endorsement shows just how hard we’ve worked to minimise any impact on Glenthorne National Park.”